Building exterior washing
Rejuvenate your building’s exterior with our building exterior washing services. Whether it’s a commercial space or a corporate establishment, we offer comprehensive solutions to ensure your building’s exterior gleams with a renewed brilliance.
Our expertise extends to buildings up to five floors high, utilizing special equipment for elevated surfaces. Employing meticulous hand scrubbing and tailored cleaning solutions, we address every aspect of your building’s exterior, from siding and signage to ascending features and ductwork.
We leave no wall or surface untouched, adapting our methods to various substrates to prevent any harm. Our commitment to precision extends even further – when faced with unfamiliar surfaces like wood, we engage with the original architect or engineer to ensure the safest and most effective cleaning approach, particularly for unique finishes like oiled cedar or manufactured wood surfaces.
Our building exterior washing services promise to unveil a revitalized exterior that speaks volumes about your space’s professionalism and care.

Power washing
Experience the transformative power of our specialized power washing services, designed to rejuvenate various surfaces with unparalleled precision.
While distinct from our building exterior washing, power washing employs a unique system that proves highly effective. This method excels in revitalizing surfaces such as glass, window frames, sidewalks, and parking lots, revitalizing their appearance and ensuring a striking level of cleanliness. Our power-washing techniques are carefully tailored to each surface, delivering thorough results that leave no room for grime or dirt.
While it’s not typically used on building exteriors, this dynamic approach is ideal for achieving a pristine look across a range of surfaces. Trust us to wield the power of technology to transform your spaces into clean, inviting environments that make a lasting impression.

Gum removal
Eradicate unsightly gum stains with our specialized gum removal services, employing a range of advanced techniques for pristine results
Our main approach involves a powerful yet gentle power washing system equipped with a specialized gyrating head attachment, ensuring precise and effective gum removal. Operating at an optimal 4 gallons per minute and PSI levels between 1500 and 3000, we prevent surface damage while effectively dislodging gum deposits. Our process incorporates a specialized surfactant product that disconnects gum molecules, working in tandem with detergents and degreasers to address different surfaces.
For longer-standing gum, we utilize steamers to gently pop gum off surfaces.
Our expertise extends to carpets and rubber floors, employing a freezing product sprayed directly onto the gum. This innovative approach instantly freezes the gum, enabling easy removal. We ensure consistent, blotch-free results on sidewalks by implementing specialized systems that maintain evenness after gum removal.
Count on us to restore the cleanliness and appeal of your spaces, offering an unmatched gum removal solution tailored to diverse surfaces.

Line painting, parking lots, parkades
Enhance the safety and compliance of your property with our specialized line painting services, encompassing parking lots and parkades. Beyond the aesthetic value, properly defined speed bumps, speed restriction bumps, sidewalk edges, stop lines, and crosswalk hash marks are vital for legal adherence and risk mitigation.
We offer a comprehensive solution to address these critical areas that often go unnoticed. Our expertise in line painting ensures that your property meets legal standards and minimizes potential liabilities. By emphasizing visual cues and highlighting essential traffic markers, we not only elevate the appearance of your property but also enhance its overall functionality and safety.
Don’t underestimate the significance of properly defined and highlighted areas – trust our line painting services to ensure legal compliance, reduce risks, and create a secure environment for all.
Contact Us
Contact us today about your commercial or residential cleaning service needs.